Friday's Favorite

For this week's Friday Favorite, I've chosen something a little different. It's not a piece of furniture or anything home related, for that matter. It's my Yellowbox tweed flats. These are the perfect shoes for fall. They have a combination of brown, orange, cream and burgundy. I wear them most Saturdays this time of year. Santa Claus brought them to me for Christmas a couple of years ago. It will be a sad, sad day when they get too worn out to wear. You can't beat comfy and cute!

Clutter Control

I have a need for order and organization. If you looked in my closets, though, you'd never guess that. My hubby and I (no children) live in a 3 bedroom house and every single closet is full, full, full. And, they are a mess. I can't believe I'm showing you this. Here they are in all of their glory. These are my two guest bedroom closets.

On our way home from our weekend getaway, we made a pit stop at Ikea. I picked up a few containers to help me get organized. Here's what I've done so far.

Not much, I know. But, look at all the organizing potential. I am so excited to get started! Check back later in the week for an update. Hopefully, a completed project-2 well organized closets.

The View From Here

My hubby and I just got back from a visit to Cumberland Gap. We enjoyed the spectacular views:

incredible rock formations:

fall foliage:

and picturesque scenery:

Hope you had a wonderful, fall weekend!

Friday's Favorite

Nothing says happy more than polka dots. As you might have guessed from the name of my blog, I like polka dots. I don't seek them out, but they do seem to find me. And, they make me happy. For this week's Friday Favorite, I'm showcasing my Mandy Bagwell dishes sporting their adorable polka dots. These are the dishes I registered for when I got married. I absolutely love them! Even when supper turns out to be a disaster, I still have super cute dishes to enjoy! What's espescially fun is mixing and matching all the pieces. I have the dinner plates in lime green, red, yellow, blue and the black/white stripe. So, I can change them out with the seasons or when the mood strikes. Who knew setting a table could be so fun?

What's In a Name?

A few days ago, I saw this magnet sitting pretty on the fridge. I picked this up a couple of years ago because I liked it and thought it would be a nice reminder. When I saw it the other day, I thought how appropriate.
You see, when I decided to start blogging, it took me quite awhile to come up with a name for my blog. I would stay awake at night thinking about different ideas. One day, it just hit me-Polka dot Possibilities. Polka dots represent an element of happiness for me and Possibilities because life is filled with endless possibilities.
Although I see this magnet everyday, I don't always pay it too much attention. It was kind of funny when I made the connection between it and my blog name. It reminded me, yet again, that life is filled with possibilities. Whether your possibilities are polka dots or stripes, paisley or plaid, I hope you'll -dwell in possibility-(Emily Dickinson).

Curtain Call

This weekend, I went to my favorite fabric store in search of the perfect fabric for a shower curtain. This shower curtain will go in my guest bath. It is a small bathroom with a brown/taupe tile and paint. Here are some pictures of the bathroom currently.
I'm hoping the shower curtain will cozy things up a bit and add some of my personality in the space. The bathroom is very nice as it is, but the shower curtain I have now is a little too Plain Jane. These are the samples I brought home with me. To have narrowed it down to these few, was a feat in and of itself. You see, I am quite fond of fabrics. If you happen to be keeping track, you can add that to the list with the other hundred things I love. Anyway, I can only choose one and I like them all. Decisions, decisions. Which one do you like?

Friday's Favorite

For this week's Friday Favorite, I've chosen the chandelier that hangs in my dining room. When we moved in our house almost two years ago, there were only a few things that really needed to be updated. One of those things, was the dining room chandelier. The old chandelier was a brass one with small black shades. It wasn't horrible, but it wasn't good. Too bad I don't have a pic to share. Anyway, I knew it was something I'd like to replace. But, as I mentioned before, I really try to love the pieces I purchase. I looked for awhile, but nothing really struck me. One day, my mom (see additional note below) and I were shopping in downtown Homewood, AL-which, by the way, has the cutest downtown shopping area-and we came across this chandelier. It was love at first sight. I didn't buy it that day. I thought about it for a few days and then had my sweet hubby go back and take a look. It passed inspection and we took her home. I love that it looks old, even though it's really not. I think it fits perfectly in our home and it is one of my favorite things.

Note: My mom is usually my partner in crime, I mean shopping, and she's always up for an adventure. She is the greatest! She's the only person who actually has the patience to go shopping with me. Let's just say that when I'm in a store I like to be thorough. After all, it would be a shame to miss something.

I'm Ready for Friday!

I am so excited about this weekend. Why, you ask. Because I have nothing to do! I am going to get to stay at home and do whatever my little heart desires. I can sleep late, watch tv, clean my house, organize my closet(s), shop, and read my favorite blogs. I haven't had a weekend like this in a long, long time. I am especially looking forward to this:

Tara Donne / Marc Royce

Are you ready for the weekend?

What A Nice Problem To Have

Yesterday was one of those days. You know, a typical Monday. I woke up and realized my weekend was gone and I didn't accomplish everything or really anything that I needed to accomplish. When I went to bed Sunday night, there were still clothes to wash, dry and fold, rooms to be dusted and vaccummed, and groceries to be bought. It can be a little overwhelming for me to start my week off with all of these chores hanging over my head. So, instead of letting this get the best of me, I've been trying a little something different. I've been trying to think about my chores as luxuries. Yes, luxuries. I know it sounds a little silly and somewhat crazy, but here's what I mean. I am blessed to have a house to clean, clothes to wash and food to buy. In all seriousness, there are many people who would love to have this to dread. So, today, as I'm feeling tired and not wanting to think about my house that really needs some attention or the groceries that I need to pick up tomorrow, I will try to be thankful for the little luxuries in life. It really is a nice problem to have. I told my husband about this little plan and he said: "Hmmm, how's that been working out for you?" You probably know the answer to that. But hey, it's still worth a try, right?

Friday's Favorite

I believe in having home furnishings and accessories that you truly love in your home. I believe in taking your time until you find exactly what you're looking for-or it finds you. I am not one to set out on missions to find particular pieces of furniture or accessories. I usually just stumble upon them. In fact, some of my favorite pieces are not even pieces that I've purchased, but pieces that I've found or that have been given to me. Here's one of my favorite pieces of furniture.

It is an antique, oak table. My mom had it in a storage building for years. When my husband and I moved into our house, she asked me if we might want it. I loved the table and I'm not one to turn down free furniture. So, I told her we'd take it. I expected to have to get it refinished because it was in pretty bad shape. But, I saw the table's beauty. Now when my sweet husband saw the table, the day we went to get it out of the storage building a few days before we moved into our new house, he thought I was crazy. In fact, we almost got divorced over this table (just kidding). He thought it looked horrible and didn't want it in our house. I had to pull out all my tricks (puppy dog eyes, eye batting, pleading, pouting, etc.) to convince him to even take the table to Auburn. The day we moved in I told him I wanted to try it in the house without getting it refinished. Again, he thought I was insane. But, he agreed to let me try it. My mom quickly came to the rescue, as she often does, and sprayed on a little Liquid Gold. The table looked amazing-still old and imperfect, but 100% better than when we pulled it out of storage. My husband even said, "I was wrong." What was that? Anyway, the table fits in just perfectly in our house and I love all of its imperfections.

I am going to try to make Friday's Favorite a weekly post. Each week, I'll choose one of my favorite things. Hopefully, I can stick with it. Do you have a favorite around your house?

Thankful for . . .

Monogrammed Teacher had a similar post to this last week and it made me think about what I'm thankful for. Here are a few:

  • My husband-Jamie is an amazing person. I feel truly blessed to call him my husband. I don't know how he does it, puts up with me, that is. I am so thankful for him and our life together! Jamie, I love you!

  • My sister-I know she hates it when I say we're practically like twins, but we kinda are. We are fours years apart-I'm the oldest, but people ask us if we're twins. I admit, I sometimes-more like all the time-copy her. We like the same stuff and think the same things. Amanda, please move back to Auburn. I miss you so much! There is nothing quite like a sister who can finish your sentences for you!

  • My parents-My mama and daddy are the most supportive parents and my number one blog fans. I certainly would not be the person I am today without their love and support. Everyone needs their own cheering section and I'm thankful for mine! Mama and Daddy, thank you!

  • My house-Jamie and I bought our first house together two years ago this December. We were driving home from dinner one Friday evening and took a different route. We saw the for sale sign and the rest is history. I think it was fate. I love our house. It is simple, cozy and cottage-like. It was exactly what we wanted. It is not perfect, but it is perfect for us.

It is always nice to take a break from our day to day lives to think about all we've been blessed with. What are you thankful for?

Rainy Wednesday

It was a rainy day, today. I love rainy days. I only wish I could have spent the day curled up on my couch, looking out the window and reading my favorite blogs.

Halloween Party

Kimba over at A Soft Place to Land is having a Halloween Party. I do love a festive party! Here are a few of the Halloween decorations around my house.


Just got back from Nashvegas (Nashville), as my sister calls it. We went to see our Tigers (Auburn) play. The game was disappointing to say the least, but the trip was still a nice weekend getaway. We stayed in Franklin and enjoyed the historic downtown district. If you are ever in the Nashville area I would certainly recommend visiting Franklin. Located just south of Nashville (about 15-20 minutes) on I-65, it is a detour you won't regret. The downtown area is filled with lovely shoppes like this:

and this:

with goodies like this:

There is also an old warehouse that has been converted into a shopping and dining area:

This town has great character. Walking down the tree-lined streets was such a nice way to spend a sunny, fall day.

Concert in the Park

We've been enjoying the City of Auburn's Sundown at Kiesel Concert Series. This event takes place on Thursday evenings (September 4-October 16) at Kiesel Park. Everyone brings a picnic supper, blankets, lawn chairs and dogs for an evening concert. What a great way to spend a cool, fall evening. A big thank you to The City of Auburn for hosting this event!!! Tonight we enjoyed the music of Auburn Road and the company of a pig. Yes, you did read that right. . . a pig. It was quite a sight. The dogs really didn't know what to think. Nor did the people, for that matter.

Lamp love

I love lamps. I love the glow you can see from the road right at dusk when the blinds or curtains in houses are still open. It looks so cozy. I have several lamps throughout my house that I love.

This is my favorite lamp for a couple of reasons:
1. I love the shape and the simplicity.
2. I got it from Kirkland's for $29.99 and I've seen similar ones in other places (like Pottery Barn) for waaaaaaayyyyyyyyyy more!

I love this lamp (and the matching one-yes, I have two of them) so much, I'd consider them among my favorite pieces in my house!!!

Here is the lamp on my entryway dresser currently. The previous picture was of the lamp on my entryway dresser earlier this year.

This is my next favorite lamp. I love this lamp for reasons quite the opposite of my other lamp. This lamp has a funky shape and was quite expensive ($109). Not to worry, I didn't pay that much for it. I got it for free-well, kind of. It's a long story-I ordered some furniture from a store and there was a mix up with the whole pick-up process so, I talked them into throwing in this lamp and a table for my inconvenience. I don't know how I did it, I just think that's the power of beautiful home furnishings. I see them (the beautiful home furnishings) and they take over my brain and my mouth (in this case). I knew I loved this lamp from the very first moment I saw it. And, I have loved it ever since. This lamp has found the perfect home in one of our guest bedrooms. I love the combo with the sunburst mirror.