Sister See

It's been awhile since I've shown you Sister's house. She's really got it looking good! One of her latest accomplishments is the bedding for her guest bedroom.

It's pink and green and oh so fun. She mixed in some really cool patterns. She had the bedskirt and artichoke fabric pillow made, she purchased the Euro shams from PB and the white quilt and green bedding came from TJ Maxx.

Now, we've just got to get the rest of the room looking this good! And, I'm afraid that means I've got some projects to finish. Yikes, that list just keeps getting longer. Check back on Thursdays for more from Sister's. And maybe, just maybe, I'll get some of my projects crossed off my list.

Kitchen Hardware

After seeing these knobs at Hobby Lobby, I knew they'd be perfect for our kitchen. Sure enough, they add so much character. We still have several to install-another weekend project. But, I love the new look already!

Master Bedroom Makeover: Take 2

Well, I got new lamps and a mirror for the master bedroom makeover. (You can see Take 1 here.) And, the best part is I used what I had. That's right I didn't spend a dime (well, I guess I did at some point, but not too recently). The mirror I've had for many years and have never used it. It's a little small for the wall, but it works for now. And, the lamps were at Sister's. My mom bought one and I bought the other thinking she might need them in her new house, but turns out we went a little lamp crazy over there and she doesn't need them after all. So, I took them home with me and they fit in just right with the new look.

Slowly, but surely I'm making some progress. Next up, curtains and curtain rod. I'm crossing my fingers that I can get that taken care of this weekend.

Oh yeah, I think I'm going to go back over to Sister's and resume our Sister See Tour. She's had some more work done on her house and a few projects completed since we took our last tour. So, I hope you'll come back Thursday for that.

Smelling Good

I got this pretty little diffuser for Christmas. It smells delightful and the turquoise color is perfect for several rooms in our house. Right now, it's living in the bathroom. I'm thinking when the oil is out it will make a lovely vase, too.


I bought Paperwhite bulbs and intended to plant them early enough to enjoy their blooms during the holidays. But, it was after New Year's before I got around to getting them planted. And, now a few of the bulbs have already started blooming. I'm glad I waited to plant them. Our house has felt so empty without all the Christmas decor. So, this has been just the touch needed to brighten things up around here.

Master Bedroom Makeover: Take 1

For Christmas Sister got us a new bedding. That means time for a makeover! Actually, our master bedroom has never really been finished. Here are some pictures of how our bedroom looked before the new bedding. Don't get me wrong, this room was just fine before, it just wasn't ever complete-no mirror, not much on the walls, mismatched window treatment. And, the colors in here didn't work well with the colors in the master bath which you can see here.

This new bedding is just what I needed to motivate me to makeover the bedroom and finally get it complete. So, that is what I'm working on now. The bedding is a blue/gray which works so well with our master bath-it really ties the two rooms together.

This is only the first phase, though. Still to go are window treatments, lamps, mirror, wall art, a monogrammed pillow for the bed and maybe even some new paint on the walls. So, stay tuned. Hopefully, I'll have this complete soon!

All a Flutter

As promised, here's a shot of one of my Christmas gifts. Jamie got this cute, metal dragonfly for me. I put it in one of our house plants rather than outside to protect it from rusting. Loving it!

Something Pretty

Oopsie! I did it again. Took a little bloggy break, that is. Not on purpose, though. Well, I'm really going to try to get back in the swing of things so my sweet mother and sister will leave me alone (ha, ha!). Anyway, I've been making some lists (I'm a total list person) of projects I want to complete and possible posts. I've even set some goals for the new year. I hope you'll check back to see how that goes. Later this week, I'll even show you some of the fabulous gifts I got for Christmas. For today, I looked through all my pictures and found this pretty one. It's not new, but it made me feel good on this cold, cold day. Hope you have had a great Monday!