Note Worthy

In our modern age of texting, chatting, instant messaging, and emailing, note writing has become somewhat of a lost art. Yet, there are few gestures more personal or thoughtful than a hand written note. My grandmother, Mama Sis, instilled in me a deep appreciation for this extinct etiquette. Whether is was a note of encouragement,  a letter of correspondence, a thank you or condolence, a hand written note was one of her hallmark traits.  Peggy Post, Emily's great-granddaughter-in-law said, "the ability to write a letter that the recipient treasures is a gift." How true that is. Mama Sis certainly had that gift. She wrote with eloquence and ease. Her notes always made me smile because I could hear her voice through the words that she wrote. As I've grown older, I have worked to become a skilled note writer in hopes of carrying on a part of Mama Sis. Today, I thought I would share a few tips on note writing, specifically thank you notes, that I have learned along the way. It may seem silly, but people do appreciate a well-written thank you note. After all, if they have gone to the trouble to think of you and get you a gift, the least you can do is show your appreciation by taking time to write a thoughtful note.

First, in order to execute a skill, one must have the proper tools. So, stationery is a must. I am a fan of personalized stationery. Whether it be a letter, monogram or name, there is something so simple and lovely about personalized stationery. It is an investment you won't regret.

Secondly, start your note with something personal-not thank you. For example:  

Dear Soandso,
     I enjoyed seeing you at Christmas. What fun it was catching up.

Then, add your thank you. You don't have to start with: Thank you for the ____.  Instead, you could say, I love the earrings that you gave me. I know I will think of you each time I wear them. Then you can say, thank you for thinking of me. Just remember, be sincere so your voice is heard. Don't be fake!

Finally, conclude the note. Something like: I hope we can get together again soon.

This note writing recipe is sure to help you express your attitude of gratitude in a smooth and sophisticated way. For some examples of well-written notes, check out Emily Post's Etiquette by Peggy Post. 

This post is written in memory of my grandmother, Mama Sis. Today would have been her birthday. 


Suzanne said...

This post is so Mama Sis. She would be pleased to know that you are continuing with note writing. She did teach you well!!

Amanda said...

Mama Sis would be so proud! :)