Friday's Favorite

An Upholstered Headboard

As I've mentioned before, my mother-in-law does upholstery work. Not only that, but she and my father-in-law are quite handy. A couple of years ago, I saw a picture of a slipcover that loosely fit over a headboard. Well, I had an extra headboard that had a nice shape, so I thought a slipcover would be a nice idea. I showed the picture to my MIL and she obligingly made the slipcover. It did not turn out as I had imagined. Not because of her, but because it just wasn't what I wanted-go figure. I loved the shape of the slipcover, though. 
This summer I asked her if she thought she could take the slipcover and cut some wood and stuff it (don't you like my technicality) to make an upholstered headboard. She, along with my FIL agreed to give it a try. A week later, I had myself an upholstered headboard. Of course, it wasn't as simple as I made it sound. But, they are really good at this kind of thing! I couldn't have asked for anything better. It is exactly what I wanted. I just love the shape, so feminine and tailored. Definitely a favorite! Happy Friday!!!

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