First of all, you want to choose your color scheme and buy a few different pieces of fabric and rolls of ribbon in those colors (or you can use scraps of fabric you already have).
Then you need to cut your fabric and ribbon in small, narrow strips (about 1-1.5" wide by 5" long). You will need many, many, many strips of fabric and ribbon.
After you have your strips of fabric and ribbon cut, start tying them on the wreath frame. I tied mine on the outer ring and the inner ring of the wreath and that was enough to make it as full as I wanted.
If you look closely at the wreath form, you'll notice it has several sections. I would recommend working in sections so you can get an idea of the fullness and how much more/less you to need to add. It is also a good idea working in sections so you can have a stopping point (and, if you're like me and need instant gratification). This does take quite awhile, but you can work on it a little along and even while you're watching tv.
You may have to play around with yours to get it to your own desired fullness. Another thing to remember is to space out your different patterns/colors.
When you get all your ribbon and fabric tied on and you have your desired fullness, use some wide ribbon to make a hanger to hang your wreath from the door. If you want, you can hang something decorative in the middle of the wreath. I painted a wooden L for our last name and hung it in the middle. I think it would be cute without anything in the middle, though.
This would be adorable for a baby shower, Halloween, Christmas, and the list goes on! If you want more ideas, check out Etsy or Flickr and type in fabric wreaths. There are lots out there. Let me know if you give it a try!
For the next several weeks, I'll be featuring a different wreath on Wednesdays. So, if you're feeling crafty, join me here next week!